The TRS website address has changed to

TRS has launched a new website, changed telephone numbers, and email addresses.

Teachers’ Retirement System has new telephone numbers and email addresses. These changes were implemented to improve service and reduce technology costs.

New Telephone Numbers

Member Service: 877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK TRS)
Employer Services: 888-678-3675
TRS Main Number: 217-814-2000
TDD: 800-526-0844 (or 711)

New Email Addresses

<a href=TRS video logo" /> Twitter logo Facebook logo Google plus logo

© Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois

877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK-TRS) | TDD: 800-526-0844 (or 711)

2815 West Washington Street | Springfield Illinois 62702