Waste Management

EPA researchers develop methods for managing solid waste and contaminated water resulting from natural and human-made disasters, including waste minimization, treatment, storage and disposal. Researchers also develop tools and information to support waste management decisions.

Waste generated as part of a remediation operation

Natural disasters are occurring with increasing frequency, generating volumes of waste and debris that are difficult for states, local governments, tribes and territories to manage. Waste management presents considerable challenges during any large-scale disaster; additional challenges exist during a wide-area chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) incident.

Waste management challenges include:

Throughout the incident response and clean up, waste must be characterized determine how and where to ship, treat and/or dispose of contaminated materials .

Response to a large-scale incident is complex because activities are interrelated. For example, decontamination approach decisions have an impact on the timeline of cleanup as well as on the cost and overall amount of waste generated. Decision-makers must be aware of the trade-offs involved in their decisions to optimize the response.

For CBRN incidents these complexities are compounded by:

Research Topics

Available Tools

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